mIRC 7.19 – Nuova Release di mIRC!

Ecco la News relativa all’uscita dell’ultima Release di mIRC la 7.19
Scaricabile da qui -> http://www.mirc.com/get.php
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mIRC 7.19 has been released! (March 7th 2011)

This is a small update that addresses a number of important issues that have been reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes to a number of features, including:

* The identd server issue that prevented identd from working correctly in some situations has been fixed.

* The /window -a command now correctly sets the focus for maximized windows.

* The time-out check that monitors the server connection has been changed so as to decrease the number of 10053 disconnection errors.

* The $findfilen/$finddirn identifiers now return the correct results for large numbers of files and folders.

* The SSL certificate validation issue that resulted in validation errors when connecting to a secure server should now be resolved.

* Other changes and bug fixes.

This update builds on and improves the stability of the new Unicode version of mIRC (see the previous v7.1 release announcement for details).

mIRC 7.17 – Nuova Release di mIRC!

Come da titolo, a pochi giorni dal natale, esce il mIRC v 7.17 , ecco di seguito la lista dei cambiamenti , direttamente tratta dal sito ufficiale -> http://www.mirc.com/whatsnew.txt

1.Fixed $sock() saddr/sport bug with UDP connections.
2.Updated to OpenSSL 0.9.8q and PCRE v8.11 libraries.

30/11/2010 - mIRC v7.16

1.Fixed hadd/hinc/hdec -cuNz bug that was causing data corruption in
hash tables.
2.Fixed server/dcc connection bug that was causing "Address already in
use" error message as well as issues with the $portfree() identifier.
3.Fixed custom /dll gpf bug when exiting mIRC for DLLs that were using
window/message hooking.
4.Updated to OpenSSL 0.9.8p library.
5.Fixed Alt+Minus key combination issue with screen readers that use
Alt+NumberPadMinus for zooming.
6.Fixed window focus bug when zoomed windows were switched/closed.

Per il download cliccate qui -> http://www.mirc.com/get.html

mIRC 7.15 – L’ultima opera di Khaled Mardam-Bey

L’ 08/11/2010 Khaled Mardam-Bey ha rilasciato mIRC v7.15 l’ultima versione del notissimo client IRC,
personalmente lo uso da 15 giorni e lo trovo estremamente rapido e stabile, di seguito i cambiamenti e le migliorie effettuate in quest’ultimo step evolutivo di mIRC:

1.Fixed window focus bug when mIRC is restored from a minimized state.
2.Changed /ban to allow more channel user modes to use it.
3.Changed $mklogfn() to only return a partial path when the “Make
  folders” option is enabled in the Logging dialog.
4.Fixed $sfile() and other file dialogs not returning file extensions
  if “Hide file extensions” is enabled in Explorer in Windows 7.
5.Changed /sockwrite to send data immediately instead of queuing it
  which should speed up transfers.
6.Added scrollbar buttons back to switchbar when many windows are open.
7.Changed the way mIRC exits when Windows is shutdown which should
  prevent lost mirc.ini settings for some users.
8.Changed CAP command to not display error message during logon for
  servers that do not support it.
9.Fixed idle color not being reset immediately when using /msg command.
10.Fixed hadd/hinc/hdec -cuNz bugs, should now work like set/inc/dec.

Se volete provarlo anche voi (ve lo consiglio) Cliccate Qui -> Download mIRC 7.15